Saturday, February 27, 2010

Peter's Eats Night 2

After the overwhelming success of Peter’s Eats night, I decided to have a second one with all new people and an all-new menu. Despite the bad weather, the second ever Peter's Eats night was an absolute success. It was really an awesome night. I hope to have another one soon.

Here is a copy of the menu

Second ever Peter’s Eats Night

Course 1:Armenian Mezze consisting of boereg Armenian-style string cheese, pistachios and basturma

Course 2: Pan fried shrimp with ponzu vinaigrette, baby spinach salad

Course 3: Pork Butt two ways, Momofuku-style and spice-rubbed, sweet potatoes, mac and cheese with bacon

Course 4: Pumpkin bread pudding with salted caramel coulis and freshly whipped cream

First off, here is a lovely gift I got from Oliver, one of the guests. It’s a micro-zester, which is definitely a tool I’ll be using a lot.

Here is the first course, the Mezze, a conglomerate of Armenian goodies, there’s boereg(cheese filled pastries), string cheese, basturma and I forgot to put the pistachios out, whoops!

The second course was the pan-fried shrimp in some seasoned flour and ponzu sauce. It was paired with a spinach salad in simple vinaigrette with bacon bits for texture and flavor.

The main course was 6-hour pork butt two ways, Momofuku-style, and spiced-rubbed. It was with sweet potato hash and chipolte-bacon mac n’ cheese.

Finally, the dessert was pumpkin bread pudding, with a salted caramel coulis and freshly whipped cream, albeit, a little heavy, but a great way to end the meal.

Special thanks to my mom, who helped with all the prep work and shopping. My dad, who helped with the mezze and my brother Alex who designed the menu.


  1. Hey Peter - Bravo! I would have liked to have seen a copy of the menu Alex designed. You should post it too. Hope you enjoy the zester - I'm glad you didn't already have one... Kitty S.

  2. Hey, Thanks so much for the zester, it'll really come in handy, i'm gonna put the menu up now, i forgot to take a picture of it last night.
